Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Regarding the Election:

I thought I'd be relieved. I didn't think I'd cry.


rachel said...

i hear ya. :)

Carrie said...

How could you NOT cry at that acceptance speech?!?

Carrie said...

I never thought I would tap into the Hope he brings. I can't wait for January.

Youthful Curmudgeon said...

Dude, I cried the minute I refreshed the CNN home page and saw that he had 292 electoral votes. And I wept like a baby when he told his daughters they were getting a new puppy in his speech. I had to do this silently, seeing as I was in the library at the time, but trust, I did weep.

Also, my birthday's in January. The inaugeration will be a pretty freaking awesome presemt.